Written & Spoken Word

Moby Dick - Chapter One as read by Rick Kisner


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Author: Herman Melville

ChapterOne: Loomings

Read by: Rick Kisner


Herman Melville (1819-1891) began writing Moby Dick in 1849. It was published in England and the United States in 1851, but did not sell well.  Despite most of its action occurring at sea, this book may be the closest thing we have to the Great American Novel.

Thanks to the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, which provides over 5,500 audio files of K-12 literature to schools worldwide through its Lit2Go collection (https://etc.usf.edu/lit2go),we can listen to this marvelous story.1

Chapter One explains why the central character, Ishmael, wants to “go to sea.”

1. Melville,H. (1851). Chapter 1: Loomings. Moby Dick (Lit2Go Edition).Retrieved April 06, 2023, from https://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/42/moby-dick/619/chapter-1-loomings/

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